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<template> <view> <view class="coupon-list-window" :class="value === true ? 'on' : ''"> <view class="title"> 优惠券 <text class="iconfont icon-guanbi" @click="close"></text> </view> <view v-if="couponList.length > 0"> <view class="coupon-list"> <div class="item acea-row row-center-wrapper" v-for="coupon in couponList" :key="" @click="click(coupon)" > <div class="money"> <div> ¥<span class="num">{{ coupon.couponPrice }}</span> </div> <div class="pic-num">满{{ coupon.useMinPrice }}元可用</div> </div> <div class="text"> <div class="condition line1">{{ coupon.couponTitle }}</div> <div class="data acea-row row-between-wrapper"> <div v-if="coupon.endTime === 0">不限时</div> <div v-else>截止:{{ coupon.endTime }}</div> <div class="iconfont icon-xuanzhong1 font-color-red" v-if="checked ===" ></div> <div class="iconfont icon-weixuanzhong" v-else></div> </div> </div> </div> </view> <view class="couponNo bg-color-red" @click="couponNo">不使用优惠券</view> </view> <view v-if="!couponList.length && loaded"> <view class="pictrue"> <image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/noCoupon.png`" class="image" /> </view> </view> </view> <view class="mask" @touchmove.prevent :hidden="value === false" @click="close"></view> </view> </template> <style scoped lang="less"> .coupon-list-window .iconfont { font-size: 40rpx; } .couponNo { font-size: 30rpx; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; width: 690rpx; height: 86rpx; border-radius: 43rpx; text-align: center; line-height: 86rpx; margin: 60rpx auto; } </style> <script> import { getOrderCoupon } from "@/api/order"; import DataFormatT from "@/components/DataFormatT";
export default { name: "CouponListWindow", components: { DataFormatT }, props: { value: Boolean, checked: Number, price: { type: [Number, String], default: undefined }, cartid: { type: String, default: "" } }, data: function() { return { couponList: [], loaded: false }; }, watch: { price(n) { if (n === undefined || n == null) return; this.getCoupon(); }, cartid(n) { if (n === undefined || n == null) return; this.getCoupon(); } }, mounted: function() {}, methods: { close: function() { this.$emit("input", false); this.$emit("close"); }, getCoupon() { getOrderCoupon(this.cartid).then(res => { this.couponList =; this.loaded = true; }); }, click(coupon) { this.$emit("checked", coupon); this.$emit("input", false); }, couponNo: function() { this.$emit("checked", null); this.$emit("input", false); } } }; </script>