You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
281 lines
14 KiB
281 lines
14 KiB
const default_project = 0
const DOMAIN_PREFIX = ''
//const DOMAIN_PREFIX = ''
// const DOMAIN_PREFIX = 'https://'
// const DOMAIN_PREFIX = ''
// const WX_API_BASE = '/ceres-app-api'
// #ifdef H5
// const WX_API_BASE = '/api' // h5
const TERMINAL = 2
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS || APP-NVUE
const TERMINAL = 3
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
const TERMINAL = 1
// #endif
module.exports = {
terminal: TERMINAL, // 画布设备 1 小程序,2 H5,3 App 4 电脑
SettledMerchantPrefix: DOMAIN_PREFIX.replace('ceres-app-api', "ceres-settled-merchant/"), //商家入驻链接
shareLink: DOMAIN_PREFIX + '/ceres-h5/', // 分享地址
// shareLink: 'https://', // 分享地址
Verify: WX_API_BASE + '/app/getCode', // 获取短信验证码
Login: WX_API_BASE + '/app/login', // 手机号验证码登录、注册
WxLogin: WX_API_BASE + '/app/wxLogin', // 微信登录
AlipayLogin: WX_API_BASE + '/app/alipayLogin', // 支付宝登录
GetSessionKey: WX_API_BASE + '/app/getSessionKey', // 获取微信手机号绑定
SetWxPhone: WX_API_BASE + '/app/setWxPhone', // 获取微信手机号绑定
UpdateWxPhone: WX_API_BASE + '/app/updateWxPhone', // 获取微信手机号绑定
UpdateAliPhone: WX_API_BASE + '/app/updateAliPhone', // 获取支付宝小程序手机号绑定
WxAppLogin: WX_API_BASE + '/app/wxAppLogin', // APP微信登录
delUser: WX_API_BASE + '/user/delUser/',//账户注销
// 查询直播间列表
LiveRoomes: WX_API_BASE + '/canvas/selectLiveList',
SubScribeLive: WX_API_BASE + '/live/subscribeLive',
// 小程序客服查询
CustomerService: WX_API_BASE + '/kf/getAppletKf',
FindCategoryListByDepth: WX_API_BASE + '/classify/getFirstClassify', // 查询N级类目和查询子级类目
// 查询热搜词
SelectHotSearch: WX_API_BASE + '/app/selectHotSearch' , //获取搜索栏的热门搜索
GetClaasifyProducts: WX_API_BASE + '/classify/getClaasifyProducts', // 商品分类到商品列表
SearchHistory: WX_API_BASE + '/app/getHistory', // 查询最近的N条历史记录
GgetSearchProducts: WX_API_BASE + '/app/getSearchProducts', // 商品搜索查询
DeleteSearch: WX_API_BASE + '/app/deleteSearch', // 删除搜索记录
Getindexdata: WX_API_BASE + '/app/index', // 首页数据查询
GetremenList: WX_API_BASE + '/product/getRandomSortProduct', // 获取热门推荐
QueryProductDetail: WX_API_BASE + '/product/getById', // 查询商品详情
QueryProductSku: WX_API_BASE + '/product/getProducts', // 查询商品sku详情
getCouponProducts: WX_API_BASE + '/coupon/getCouponProducts', // 优惠券商品列表查询
QueryMemberAddres: WX_API_BASE + '/receive/getAll', // 查询用户所有收货地址
AddresAdd: WX_API_BASE + '/receive/save', // 保存收货地址
AddresDelete: WX_API_BASE + '/receive/delete', // 删除收货地址
AddresUpdate: WX_API_BASE + '/receive/update', // 更新收货地址
receiveGetInfo: WX_API_BASE + '/receive/getById', // 修改收货地址查询
// 评价
Comment: WX_API_BASE + '/order/addComment', // 评价
AdditionalComment: WX_API_BASE + '/order/addToComment', // 追评接口
MyCommentList: WX_API_BASE + '/comment/getAll', // 查看我的评论列表
LikeOrUnLikeComment: WX_API_BASE + '/comment/like', // 点赞或取消点赞某个评论
GetDistributor: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/getDistributor', // 我的账户信息查询
FindCouponList: WX_API_BASE + '/coupon/getCoupons', // 我的卡券列表查询
MemberAccountWithdraw: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/save', // 提现申请
GetUser: WX_API_BASE + '/user/getUser', // 个人系信息查询
UpdateUser: WX_API_BASE + '/user/update', // 个人系信息查询
GetAllForMap: WX_API_BASE + '/cerePlatformLangInfo/getAllForMap',
// 店铺服务
GetStore: WX_API_BASE + '/shop/getShopProducts', // 根据id查询店铺
GetStoreShopClassify: WX_API_BASE + '/shop/getShopClassify', // 查询店铺分类
GetShopBanner: WX_API_BASE + '/shop/getShopBanner', // 查询店铺banner
getShopIndex: WX_API_BASE + '/shop/getIndex', // 查询店铺首页
AddBusinessBuyerUser: WX_API_BASE + '/shop/addBusinessBuyerUser', // 成为商家的客户
getShopSeckillIndex: WX_API_BASE + '/seckill/getIndex', // 查询店铺秒杀
QueryBankcardList: WX_API_BASE + '/bank/getAll', // 查询用户所有银行卡
SaveBankcard: WX_API_BASE + '/bank/save', // 添加银行卡
UpdateBankcard: WX_API_BASE + '/bank/update', // 修改银行卡
DelMemberBankcard: WX_API_BASE + '/bank/delete', // 删除用户银行卡
GetByIdBankcard: WX_API_BASE + '/bank/getById', // 根据银行卡ID查询信息
// 订单相关接口
FindOrderList: WX_API_BASE + '/order/getAll', // 查询订单列表
Settlement: WX_API_BASE + '/order/getSettlement', // 结算查询
PlaceOrder: WX_API_BASE + '/order/submit', // 提交订单
GetOrderDetail: WX_API_BASE + '/order/getById', // 订单详情查询
CancelOrder: WX_API_BASE + '/order/cancel', // 取消订单
DelOrder: WX_API_BASE + '/order/delete', // 删除订单
ShippingTrace: WX_API_BASE + '/order/getDilevery', // 物流信息查询
payOrder: WX_API_BASE + '/order/pay', // 支付成功业务处理接口
gotoPay: WX_API_BASE + '/order/gotoPay', // 小程序支付
paySuccess: WX_API_BASE + '/order/paySuccess', // 小程序支付成功
gotoAppPay: WX_API_BASE + '/order/gotoAppPay', // APP立即支付
gotoH5Pay: WX_API_BASE + '/order/gotoH5Pay', // H5支付
ConfirmReceive: WX_API_BASE + '/order/confirm', // 确认收货
Orderrefund: WX_API_BASE + '/order/refund', // 申请退款
ReasonEnums: WX_API_BASE + '/after/getReasonSelect', // 选择退款原因查询
ApplyReturnMoney: WX_API_BASE + '/after/submit', // 申请售后
GetHuabeiConfig: WX_API_BASE + '/order/getHuabeiConfig', //查询花呗手续费配置
GetRefundMoney:WX_API_BASE + '/after/getReturnPrice',// 获取退款金额
ShoppingaddCart: WX_API_BASE + '/cart/addCart', // 加入购物车
ShoppingCart: WX_API_BASE + '/cart/getCart', // 购物车列表
UpdateNumberCart: WX_API_BASE + '/cart/updateNumber', // 修改购物车商品数量
DeleteCart: WX_API_BASE + '/cart/delete', // 删除购物车商品
SelectedCart: WX_API_BASE + '/cart/selected', // 选中商品
UpdateSkuCart: WX_API_BASE + '/cart/updateSku', // 购物车更换商品规格
getCoupons: WX_API_BASE + '/canvas/getCoupons', // 优惠券查询
ReceiveCoupon: WX_API_BASE + '/coupon/takeCoupon', // 领取优惠券
buildParam4Plug: WX_API_BASE + '/coupon/buildParam4Plug', // 领取优惠券
FindSaleStoreList: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/getDistributorAll', // 分销中心列表查询
QuerySalesMainInfo: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/getShopDistributor', // 店铺分销数据查询
FindSalesOrderPage: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/getReward', // 累计奖励查询
GetNotReward: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/getNotReward', // 累计未结算奖励查询
FindSalesCustomerList: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/getBuyers', // 累计客户查询
FindSubordinateSalesList: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/getDistributors', // 累计分销员查询
FindSalesPromConfig: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/getShopExtension', // 店铺推广数据查询
StoreProductList: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/getExtensionProduct', // 推广商品查询
FindMySalesPage: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/getDistributorOrder', // 分销订单查询
HasApply: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/check', // 验证当前客户是否为分销员
BindSalesCustomer: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/bind', // 绑定关系
getSharePic: WX_API_BASE + '/product/getSharePic', // 分享
getShareProductParam: WX_API_BASE + '/product/getShareProductParam', // 查询分享所需的参数
shopGetSharePic: WX_API_BASE + '/shop/getSharePic', // 推广店铺
FindReturnList: WX_API_BASE + '/after/getAll', // 售后列表查询
CancelRefund: WX_API_BASE + '/after/returnRefund', // 撤销退款
ReturnDetail: WX_API_BASE + '/after/getById', // 售后详情查询
CancelReturnGoods: WX_API_BASE + '/after/returnGoods', // 撤销退货
ShippingCompany: WX_API_BASE + '/order/getExpressSelect', // 选择快递公司查询
SendReturnGoods: WX_API_BASE + '/order/returnExpress', // 填写退货物流单
deleteAfter: WX_API_BASE + '/after/deleteAfter', // 删除售后记录
Apply: WX_API_BASE + '/distributor/addDistributor', // 申请分销员
// 画布模块
getProducts: WX_API_BASE + '/canvas/getProducts', // 选择商品查询
getProductsV2: WX_API_BASE + '/canvas/getProducts2', // 选择商品查询
getInteractionDiagramDetail: WX_API_BASE + '/cereInteractionDiagram/getById', // 获取互动图详情
Query: WX_API_BASE + '/dict/getByName', // 查询分类层级
DeleteAllSearch: WX_API_BASE + '/product/deleteAllSearch', // 清空历史搜索记录
getMessage: WX_API_BASE + '/notice/getAll', //消息列表查询
getMessageDateils: WX_API_BASE + '/notice/getById', //消息详情
readNotice: WX_API_BASE + '/notice/readNotice', // 消息已读
getNotice: WX_API_BASE + '/notice/getGongGaoAll', //公告
delMessage: WX_API_BASE + '/notice/removeById', //删除消息
allMessage: WX_API_BASE + '/notice/readAll', //全部已读
getProductCollect: WX_API_BASE + '/collect/getAllProduct', //收藏商品查询
getStoreCollect: WX_API_BASE + '/collect/getAllShop', //收藏店铺查询
cancelCollect: WX_API_BASE + '/collect/cancel', //取消收藏
collect: WX_API_BASE + '/collect/collect', //收藏商品、店铺
deleteCollect: WX_API_BASE + '/collect/delete', //批量删除收藏商品、店铺
addAnswer: WX_API_BASE + '/seckill/addAnswer', //回答
addProblem: WX_API_BASE + '/seckill/addProblem', //提问
getSeckillList: WX_API_BASE + '/seckill/getIndex', //秒杀专区首页数据查询
getProblems: WX_API_BASE + '/seckill/getProblems', //商品问答数据查询
getProblemDetail: WX_API_BASE + '/seckill/getProblemDetail', //问答详情查询
getQueryPlatformSeckillList: WX_API_BASE + '/platform-seckill/queryPlatformSeckillList', //平台秒杀列表
getPlatformSeckills: WX_API_BASE + '/canvas/getPlatformSeckills', //根据seckillId查询对应的秒杀商品列表
getGroupSettlement: WX_API_BASE + '/work/getSettlement', //拼团单结算查询
getGroupBuyList: WX_API_BASE + '/work/getIndex', //拼团专区首页数据查询
getInviteSpell: WX_API_BASE + '/work/getInvite', //邀请好友拼单查询
getDiscountList: WX_API_BASE + '/discount/getIndex', //专区首页数据查询
getFootprintList: WX_API_BASE + '/footprint/getAll', //我的足迹查询
deleteFootprint: WX_API_BASE + '/footprint/delete', //删除足迹
getProblemList: WX_API_BASE + '/seckill/getProblem', //我的提问
getAnswerList: WX_API_BASE + '/seckill/getAnswer', //我的回答
deleteProblem: WX_API_BASE + '/seckill/deleteProblem', //批量删除提问
deleteAnswer: WX_API_BASE + '/seckill/deleteAnswer', //批量删除回答
getShare: WX_API_BASE + '/work/getShare', //获取二维码和小程序码
platform: WX_API_BASE + '/after/platform', // 申请平台介入
UploadUrl: WX_API_BASE + '/file/upload', // 申请平台介入
// 会员信息
// getMemberShipList: WX_API_BASE + '/member/getMemberShipList', //会员权益查询
// 会员专区
getMemberProducts: WX_API_BASE + '/canvas/getMemberProducts', //查询会员商品数据
memberList: WX_API_BASE + '/member/getAllMemberLevelInfo', //查询会员所有等级
// 会员中心
getMemberShipList: WX_API_BASE + '/member/getMemberShipList', //会员权益查询
selectSigninHistory: WX_API_BASE + '/member/selectSigninHistory', // 查询签到明细
selectSigninRecordList: WX_API_BASE + '/member/selectSigninRecordList', // 查询签到列表
signIn: WX_API_BASE + '/member/signIn', // 签到
welfareProductList: WX_API_BASE + '/member/welfareProductList', // 会员专区
getMemberByMemberLevel: WX_API_BASE + '/member/getMemberByMemberLevelId', // 会员图标
// 组合套餐
selectCompose: WX_API_BASE + '/product/selectCompose', // 查询组合套餐
// 平台折扣
queryPlatformDiscount: WX_API_BASE + '/platform-discount/queryPlatformDiscount',
queryPlatformDiscountProductList: WX_API_BASE + '/platform-discount/queryPlatformDiscountProductList',
// 平台秒杀
queryProductListBySession: WX_API_BASE + '/platform-seckill/queryProductListBySession', // 根据场次时间查询商品列表
querySession: WX_API_BASE + '/platform-seckill/querySession', // 平台秒杀查询今日场次
// 定价捆绑
selectByPriceId: WX_API_BASE + '/price/selectByPriceId', // 定价捆绑规则查询
selectProductListByPriceId: WX_API_BASE + '/product/selectProductListByPriceId', // 捆绑商品查询
// queryProductListBySession: WX_API_BASE + '/platform-seckill/queryProductListBySession' // 根据场次时间查询商品列表 /order/getOrderPolite
// 支付有礼
getOrderPolite: WX_API_BASE + '/order/getOrderPolite', // 支付有礼
// 积分签到
creditSignIn: WX_API_BASE + '/credit/signIn', // 积分签到
exchangeCoupon: WX_API_BASE + '/credit/exchangeCoupon', // 积分兑换优惠券
selectByMonth: WX_API_BASE + '/credit/selectByMonth', // 根据月份查询签到记录
selectCreditCouponList: WX_API_BASE + '/credit/selectCreditCouponList', // 查询可以积分兑换的优惠券
selectCreditRecord: WX_API_BASE + '/credit/selectCreditRecord', // 查询积分记录
// 首页广告
GetAd: WX_API_BASE + '/advert/selectByCondition', // 获取首页广告
adClose: WX_API_BASE + '/advert/closeAdvert', // 关闭首页广告
takeBatchCoupon: WX_API_BASE + '/coupon/takeBatchCoupon', // 批量领取优惠券
// 渠道优惠券
getChannelCoupon: WX_API_BASE + '/coupon/getChannelCouponDetail', // 获取渠道优惠券
getChannelProduct: WX_API_BASE + '/credit/signIn', // 获取渠道优惠券推荐产品
getRandomProduct: WX_API_BASE + '/product/getRandomSortProduct', // 查询随机排序的商品
// 埋点